Saturday, September 18, 2010

Welcome to ABLIB!

Hi everyone and welcome to ABLIB!

This is my first blog attempt, hopefully the look will improve as I learn more. It might take a while to figure the ins and outs though, so be patient with me.

I'm still working on a cohesive plan for the blog. Part of the reason I named it ABLIB is because I plan on this being pretty random; whatever I find interesting at the time of posting. I am planning on a few regular features:

East Coast Foreigner: a Midwestern girl's adventures in New England

Things of [Relative] Substance: book, movie, and tv reviews and pop culture

LIBeral Professionalism: library news, information and observations

Being Crafty: knitting projects, maybe some sewing and cooking thrown in occasionally

Distractions: new (to me) blogs, videos, websites, and other internet time-wasters

I'll start out updating every few days or so and see how it goes. Thoughts, comments and suggestions are welcome! Enjoy!


  1. Starting on blogger is a good thing. Wordpress is where you might want to end up but they are transferable.

    I just checked and is not available but is. You might want to snatch that if you have $12 to spare.

    Feel free to throw questions my way if you have any. I'm no pro but I do have five years in the blogging biz.

  2. Hey there Ms. Abigail! It looks nice, I saw the book background too. The new templates also have a option to make your own background if yu want to choose your own books. Great to hear about the play. Mike

  3. I like the bit about being a librarian and not really being a librarian. It's fun to read your blog!
